Esfil Tehno AS
Esfil Tehno AS

Fibrous filtering material FPP-D

FPP-D is intended to equip valve and damper devices in pneumoautomatics, for thin air and gases clearing, for fabrication of analytical AFA type filters.

FPP-D can be utilized for thin clearing of suspended mechanical impurities from fluids, fuels and oils, and for the fabrication of fuel quality indicators.

FPP-D is like a tight, uniform fibrous layer of white colour composed of ultra thin fibres, connected at locations of intersection. Due to the properties above, the material has a smooth, non-fuzzy surface and tight structure.

FPP-D is hydrophobic, stable to acids, weak alkalis, solutions of salts; is not diluted in alcohol, hexane; diluted in dichlorethane, tetrachlorethane, chlorobenzol, toluene, xylol, tetrahydro-furan; swelled in four-chloride carbon, benzol, dibutilftalate, tricresilphosphate.

For specialists


  • Surface density: 40 ±5 g/m2;
  • Resistance of material to air flow at a velocity 1cm/c: 10 ±2 Pа;
  • Penetration rate on an oily fog, with particles having an average radius of 0.14-0.17 mkm at filtration velocity 170 cm/s: 20% at most;
  • Dimensions of a fabric, mm: length 1480 (+20/-30), width 680 (+20/-30).

The conformity of FPP-D to the technical requirements is guaranteed for a period of 10 years from the time of fabrication, in the case of the observance of conditions of storage by the consumer.